Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What's New This Year?

This summer I visited Vancouver, BC with my three cousins. We stayed at the SandMan hotel. We mostly went shopping and went swimming at the hotel each night. We also visited Science World and got to watch a video about "Hubble", the screen we watched it on was really big, it covered the walls and ceiling.We also got to go to the Vancouver aquarium. I took a lot of pictures from the trip! Next summer I will probably get to go to Washington, DC with the school.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Modern Civil Rights Protest Song

I wanna know, Oh I wanna know, When will we be paid for the work we've done, When will we be paid, We've been beat up worked our hands to the bone, Freedom, Oh freedom, When will we be free, oh when will we be free, Hold on, Hold on keep your head up and eyes on the prize, When will we be free, Oh when we are free, We shall overcome and rejoice and be free

Click here to view at Tok School

Monday, March 7, 2011

Why I want to become a Dentist Assistant

In summers I go outside and pick cranberries around my house in sandwich bags and then take them inside and clean them in water and sell them to my grandma or Aunts and when the blueberries are ripe I go out with my mom and dad and pick the blueberries with them. In summer on weekends I sometimes babysit my cousins in the morning until dinner. I have to wash dishes, sweep, make my bed, and clean up my room for my chores.I would like to work as a dentist assistant because I think it would be fun to know how to use all the tools.

Dentist assistants help the dentist when they are working on a patient. The assistant hands the dentist tools that he needs. The dentist assistant uses a tool that can shoot out water to rinse out the patients mouth then they use another tool that sucks up water or spit so the patient doesn’t have to swallow the liquid in their mouth. When the patient comes in and sits in the chair the assistant gets the patient ready with a bib to go around their neck so their clothes don’t get wet, and they give them sunglasses to protect their eyes when the dentist turns on the bright light above the patient.

The person who inspired me to want to work as a dentist assistant was partly my mom and my dentist who checks my teeth. I saw how the dentist’s assistant work all the tools and write down what the dentist was saying about my teeth. My experience with being a dentist assistant is when I go and get my teeth checked or cleaned. When I go to the dentist the assistant lets me use the water sprayer and the suction straw that sucks up your spit and water in your mouth.